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The Monogram by Odyseas Elytis 07/03/2012

"The Monogram" in twelve languages. The Hellenic Roots Association in co-operation with the Hellenic American Union presented a tribute to the Greek Poet and Nobel Laureate Odysseas Elytis (1911-1996) which included a reading of an extract from his work "The Monogram" in the original Greek and eleven other languages.
The presentation took place on Wednesday March 7, 2012 at the Hellenic American Union auditorium and was a great success.

Formal Incorporation Day 26/04/2010

On the 24th of April 2010 the 20 founding members of the Association met at the Cellier Bistrot in Athens to formally sign the Associations Constitution documents and to celebrate the creation of a new organisation that would work for the benefit of Greece and Hellinism as a whole.

Pre-Incorporation meeting 13/03/2010

The pre-incorporation committee met for the last time as an informal body to confirm that all was in place for the establishment of the Hellenic Roots as a formal association under Greek law and to set the date for the official signing of the Constitution documents.


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